OnePlace: Knowledge Sharing for Social Transformation
The variety of issues, number of fields and actors, the amount of information that has grown exponentially in the past few years, and particularly the float of current events, stand directly in the way of clear understanding of context and abilities to act on the major issues and challenges regarding the Arab citizens of the state of Israel.The whole is greater than the sum. New technologies and services are emerging to help integrate and extract values from relevant information sources. Although there are no magic solutions, OnePlace enables a more effectively use of what already exists and offers valuable tools for action. Sometimes, there is no need to re-invent the wheel, rather put a few existing wheels in one vehicle..
The site is currently available mostly in Hebrew. In the future, there should be full English and Arabic versions as well.
However, there is a short English Updates section, which includes: Recent News, Reading Resources and Useful Links, please check it out.
About OnePlace
You can see a PPT: "Rational and Future plans (May 2013)": here
And read the Project Summary:
OnePlace aims to promote and support the equality and integration of Arab citizens of Israel by establishing a centralized web-based resource that will provide information and analysis regarding issues affecting Arab citizens. OnePlace sets out to achieve this goal through advancing the professional discourse surrounding the rights and concerns of Arab citizens in Israel, and will inform public debate and lobbying efforts relating to their status in Israeli society. OnePlace, the first ever inclusive information center of its kind, will serve as a primary, independent, free resource, and will integrate a wide range of updated interdisciplinary materials in each and every domain, such as news, academic research, legal documents, governmental policies and decisions, and reports, research and projects of relevant NGOs. OnePlace will provide an arena for complementing relevant resources, an opportunity to frame issues into a larger picture, will strengthen the incentives and tools for an informed debate, and will increase the individual actor's total capacity. OnePlace will incorporate innovative features and will reach out to create a pro-active community of users in Israel and abroad, in order to improve knowledge, understanding and outcomes, and to facilitate research, policy, and program development.
Founder and editor